Taste of Calabria
The city of Florence is launching an initiative in collaboration with FREE Aut & Aut News
Bonds of legality. Thus, from an idea by the President of "Freedom" Don Luigi Ciotti called the "reports" that mutual municipalities pursuant to choose institutional decide to forge between them. And in fact what they are. On the basis of specific acts (deliberations of the Council or Board and regional protocols) two municipalities, one of which territorially structurally and historically most at risk of Criminal infiltration, agree to cooperate on various levels with the intent to make the affirmation of road democratic legality. Our city was the founder of strategic alliances born in the wake emotional of the Fortugno’s Murder, but gradually over time reaffirmed and strengthened through gather real bonds between administrations and beyond. The cities with which Florence close this bond is Locri and with this council, but with more precision with all the territories of “locride”, courses in these 3 years has been a lot of the activities, meetings and collaboration. The Region of Tuscany with the Vice President Gelli has signed with the region of Calabria, a memorandum of understanding on the issues of their legality was always at the side of the city of Florence collaborating effectively with a view to creating the necessary synergies, not to export models pre already, but to provide knowledge and reality already born so that they can serve as a door opener and other new activities. Convinced that the affirmation of legality through the presence of the institutions, but also and above all through the presence in schools, with young people, and supporting the enhancement of local culture, we have organized our city in a week of Calabria ". This event which will open next April 14 involving the territories of locride and not just because galleries are some of the malls in Florence was held a sale of Calabro’s food products, products from these territories and Sometimes they have difficulty to be marketed elsewhere for infrastructure deficit and selling agencies. Moreover were organised some cultural activities and folklore certainly not less important, and that will work as a corollary to tighten in more detail "bonds of legality" and thus reach all 'goal of mutual and profitable growth. In leaflets attachments can be found in the specific organization of the week on which, by virtue of what is said and by virtue of the necessity to contribute to RELEASE
the territories from the yoke of criminal, we are convinced that civil society should participate.
The President of the Municipal Council of Florence
Eros Cruccolini
invite the S.V. To join the list of event "Taste of Calabria" Made
on the basis of "cooperation protocol" between
the regions of Toscana and Calabria And "solidarity pact"
between the towns of Florence and Locri Thursday 24 April 2008 at 12.00
Exhibition in de “Ducento” in “Palazzo Vecchio” - Florence On proposals will be small tasting
flavors typical of Calabria Speakers:
The Group of Folkloristico Miromagnum Mormanno (Cs) will perform Sunday, April 27, 2008, at 16.00
In the Salone dei Cinquecento in “Palazzo Vecchio” (entrance in Via dei Gondi) - Florence In the event "Taste of Calabria. Entry is free and please submit at this invitation.
President Paul Abraham Unioncamere Calabria, Federico Gelli Vice-President of the Tuscany Region, Ambrogio Brenna Assessor productive activities in the region of Tuscany,
Francesco On the Assessor Productive activities of the Calabria region,
Francesco Macrì Mayor of Locri,
Eros Cruccolini President of the Municipal Council of Florence.
La brochure (pdf)[Id.1] L'invito (pdf)