Hooray, hooray, hooray! The association Miromagnum in compliance with the rules, and especially in a climate of friendship renewed its governing body and control. In a very gloomy afternoon, there were the elections for the renewal of the board of Miromagnum, the College of Mayors and of Arbitrators. The seat was presided over by Massimo Fortunato appropriately assisted by secretaries Galicia Maria Francesca Chicca, and for all Pappaterra Alessandra. As a matter of course after the S.S. Sunday Mass has filled the seat, reaching almost 80% of those entitled to vote. Renewed confidence in its entirety to the outgoing Board of Directors, and newcomer Francesco Perrone Gianluca Marseille. Changing of the guard within the College of Mayors Cersosimo leaves and passes the baton to Pandolfi. As stated in a previous post, shame that the two supervisory bodies have received very few applications, making the organs under sized compared to the work to be done. Will be responsible for the Presidents of both colleges to request the reinstatement meeting, new elections for the two vacancies, or leave everything unchanged. The first statement of the new President Perrone: "Thank you so much for the umpteenth demonstration of esteem towards me but also on the five candidates of the incumbent Board, this shows that it has worked well over the past two years. A good luck to the two newly elected members, not forgetting the three non-elected that goes 'all my respect in mind that there will be' space and work for all !!!!!! You return to work to achieve new goals and successes together. Let me go over a line "of course I will 'including the president of all three people who believed in me, I hug you all."
lunedì 26 settembre 2011
venerdì 16 settembre 2011
An excerpt from the nineteenth edition of the Chili Pepper Festival with The Miromagnum
Dear friends, to show how this association is able to involve people from different parts of the world without exception. Some friends have wanted to tell their point of view the performance of Miromagnum Diamante (CS) 8 September 2011. To do this you have avvelse of these two videos.
II Atto
There is nothing in advance, I want to share with you this time anticipating that soon there will be some great news and it will Miromagnum, I would add, as usual, the protagonists! ?
festival chili,
folk songs,
87023 Diamante CS, Italia
lunedì 12 settembre 2011
election 2011 - Miromagnum group
The Board of Directors is directly elected by the General Assembly, is in charge for 3 years and is re-elected. The Board of Directors consists of 7 members. The Board of Directors performs the following functions:
a) He has to vote on any act pertaining to life and the functioning of the Association;
b) draws up its plan of action for the next year;
c) Report the activities performed during the past year;
d) It provides for the drafting of the final account;
e) He shall ensure the preparation and formulation of the budget.
For these functions are candidates
? Accurso Michele
b) draws up its plan of action for the next year;
c) Report the activities performed during the past year;
d) It provides for the drafting of the final account;
e) He shall ensure the preparation and formulation of the budget.
For these functions are candidates
? Accurso Michele
? Apollaro Giuseppe
? Apollaro Lucia
? Armentano Alessia
? Cosenza Antonio
? De Luca Manuela
? Marsiglia Gianluca
? Perrone Francesco
? Perrone Marcello
? Regina Alessandro
only 7 of these will become part of the CDA.
a) Check the Directors of the Association and oversees compliance with the law and bylaws.
b) Ensures regular bookkeeping;
c) write the report on the balance sheet and the budget.
For these functions are candidates
? Cersosimo Salvatore
? Pandolfi Salvatore
by the board of arbiters with the same criteria as the Board of Directors remains in office for 3 years and is re-elected. The Appeals Board is composed of 5 members elected by the Assembly. The Appeals Board supervises the implementation of the Statute and, in particular, for the respect of the purposes mentioned in article 2 of this Statute.
The Board of Arbitrators decide definitively on appeals against the decisions taken. The Appeals Board assumes the role of arbitration in order to resolve disputes between members.
? Alberti Nicola
? Minervini Giovanni
Miromagnum is a characteristic of the frankness that characterizes us, we regret to see that the supervisory bodies have received very few nominations despite being so rich with association members. Perhaps highlighting the role and functions of the organs of control must carry out the next time there will be more accessions.ad maiora semper!
Good luck to all
Good luck to all
election 2011,
87026 Mormanno CS, Italia
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