October 27 began "Il Palio dei Comuni." The successful TV programme magnetized the attention of listeners (more than 40 thousand of phone calls received in the 2006-2007). The format proposes again the theme of the previous editions: a window opened on the finest traditions of the Province of Cosenza and not only this, on the authentic history of the taking part towns, a history from which to build future development. Each week will be into competition two municipalities that will be faced up in a very special way. The city councils are: Altomonte, Amendolara, Aprigliano, Belsito, Cerisano, Diamante, Falconara A., Fuscaldo, Guardia P., Laino Borgo, Lattarico, Luzzi, Monterosso Calabro, Mormanno, Paterno Calabro, Rende, Rogliano, Rossano, San Donato di Ninea, San Marco Argentano, Sant'Agata d' Esaro, S. Maria del Cedro, S. Stefano di Rogliano and Saracena. The special thing of this edition is "an invasion", every week, in the city councils in competition to discover the mood, expectations and anticipations and in the meanwhile stealing curiosity about what will happen later in the studio. Miromagnum Folk Group takes part in! On Saturday afternoon comparison with friends in the municipality of San Donato Di Ninea. Thanks to 30 phone lines you can you can vote for the favorite place, with all its associations. The cost of calls from fixed phone is 10.54 cents (VAT included) per minute, with no other charges. The fare from mobile network is established according to the operator. You can vote from 15.30 h to 16.45 h (on Saturday).
The transmission will be run on Sunday evening, at 20.30. We are waiting for many people, all linked on 10/11/2007 TEN 15.00 hours
... and overall vote at phone number + Code, in our case 2
Ad Maiora Semper ...
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