“the children of those people that were enslaved once and the children of those people that once enslaved possedetteros will know how to sit together with the table of the brotherhood.”
We believe in this dream and the innumerable demonstrations to which the group has participated I am the reengagement of it.
Some inherent datum allattivit turns in this year.
-The number of the enrolled increased allassociaziones.
-Change and integration of the show, with new songs and dances.
-It modifies environment scenografico with supports multimediali.
-We have middly realized around 25 shows (national / Foreign) 1 every 15 days.
Demonstrations to be remembered:
-Taste of Calabria 500 Building (Florence)
-Palio of the Communes prize of the criticism
-IV Edizione of the Olympiads of the Traditional Games
-XXVIII edition of the international Festival of the Folklore of Soller, - enchanting situated town in the west north of the island in Majorca (Spain)
-XX Edizione of Calabria Festival.
Publications multimediali on the web (Italian / English).
http://it.youtube.com / miromagnum.
Innumerable collaborations with researchers / studious.
It doesn't deal with a confirmation of our Self, that of the one way to understand better our diversities, to appreciate her and from them to draw wealth of it. Someone ask him how is possible this? Personally we call there to an universal discipline that talks to the heart: the music, the dance, the poetry! So, really thanks to this code the Association Miromagnum promotes and his/her own Dna promulgates. At the end of every demonstration, of every festival winning n and won n are not had, but only people that believe and they share in principles, what: the respect of the next one and the exploitation of their traditions.
For an instant I would want that you analyzed with me the data of the last demonstration, integrally organized by the components of the Miromagnum, him understand still better the job taken place in the year 2008. In this edition been reported the history of the festival. In 20 years, this event, has entertained 96 groups coming from 48 different nations. This year have participated the friends of the:
§ Spain - Asociación Universitaria de Danza El Candil
§ Senegal - “AFRICA DJEMBE”
§ Italy - Gruppo folkloristico Miromagnum
Finally and not for last, during the evening delivers her/it You Edition of the International Prize “Il Faro” to the Amarelli of Rossano. The assigned prize every year to a Calabrian that him distinguished in the world for his work.
Speaking in the name of an association, the ancient pi among those present in the small suburb of Mormanno, is not able not to feel the responsibility, delivered of the inheritance you give me my predecessors. I think about the hundred components that you/they have allowed and they allow everything this, my thought goes to them to tell him “Thanks”.
To I address me to them to say that the run not yet concluded and so many are the ideas and the projects to realize.
In so far I renew the invitation:
To all those people which in the association are busy Miromagnum to keep on holding tall the honour of the group.
To all those people which have gotten further for varied motives but that they bring with if the sacred fire of the folklore to make before.
To all those people which want to feel a new rich adventure of appointment and satisfaction not to hesitate to contact us.
Some years ago the Foundation Naples 99 presided by the Dott.ssa Mirella Barracco launches a challenge to give back lifeblood to citt as Naples, Palermo etc, all will remember the slogan he/she Adopts a monument. Seen the positive results, we would want in the our small ripercorrere that road. This time instead of adopting a monument we would want that Public / Private subjects adopted a passage of our tradition, note adopts the tradition.
The dream that to create a containing casket a selection of the characteristic pious passages of our tradition, a dvd video, a photographic booklet. Every passage in partnership will be to an agency / corporate body. Through this tool we propose there as vectors for better making to appreciate our earth, our typical products and naturally the firms that produce them. Also in this case we take I sprout from who before us something of the kind has realized and you/he/she has brought in top the popular music “partenopea”. An example for everybody, the job served as Renzo Arbore and Italian Orchestra.
I wish me that you will give prominence to this moment of ours of pride and his cultural importance for the intrinsic value that the same one promotes. For the one that believes in this value as us, you could be a beautiful moment to find.
Con stima
Il presidente
Marcello Perrone
3356596102 – 3393459269
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