Tomorrow evening we will learn more about our tradition, our values to the city of Campobasso. At the Grand Gala of the Savoy Theater, will perform the Miromagnum bringing with it the notes of their "Calabrisella Murmannola", one of the many pearls of "adopting the tradition." Savoy Theater
Built in 1923/25 on 'area of' former theater Margherita. The qualifying outside are the details especially the balustrades of the windows and balconies and the lamps on the central pediment. The ornamental motifs are inspired by creations of French origin, the more tape 'sometimes twisted, to compose harmonic geometries balconies on the first floor, addition of flowering branches and sinuous spirals or beautiful invention of the balustrades of the second order, as if to suggest the design of the wings of a butterfly. The lamps above the main facade are among the items of the season "campobassana liberty."
Saturday, 14/03/09, in the theater of Mormanno, was held the conference presentation box "Adopt Tradition" made by the Working Folk Miromagnum. As repeatedly stated, a blend of different music related to each other by an excellent arrangement of our song "Popular." The evening could not start in a more exciting: Miriam Scarcello, an icon of popular music Calabrese, sang live "Calabrisella," the pearl with which the singer has lauded the group Miromagnum. The emotion was so much in a crowded cinema fell absolute silence caressed only by the sweet voice of Miriam. The evening was then alternate personalities who have reported about the representatives of the promoter of the initiative, representatives of companies-partners, representatives of institutions and the slow food and welcome guests, two characters who have made - with their work and their "wish to believe" - the famous Calabria in the world and that is the maestro Gerardo Sacco and Enzo Barbieri. The biggest surprise was to see the enthusiasm of all those who have succeeded on the stage. Antonella Dodaro, in particular, has given life to a game at the "revival" through which, the other speakers, have been proposed new ideas to use, given their pregevolezza, the tracks of the cd. Each component, in those moments, he experienced indescribable emotion. Despite Miromagnum have always believed in this project, the feedback and success has been beyond the most optimistic expectations. ... .. emotions and even when he was shown the video that summed up so well the main features of DVD, the images speak for themselves: the old Mormanno review and characters of that time, the tenderness of tomorrow - in the faces of Mary Lucia and Claudio - who embracing the tradition, the images of a country that seemed to be reborn .... What else to add? Saturday, happiness and satisfaction was great and we can only thank everyone who Mormannoli wrapped in a heat that evening - for Miromagnum - remain unforgettable! Preview video !!!!!
The winners this year are two real symbols of the fight against organized crime: Colonel Valerio Giardina of the Carabinieri and the Station Commissioner of Contracting One of the Calabria Region Dr. Salvatore Bohemians. The award is usually for a single character this year brings another first: the nominations have been collected during the year in the portal and views the many Miromagnum preferences captured by the two, it was decided to proceed with a delivery of a tie
Click here to buy your CD-DVD box, you too "Adotta la Tradizione"!!!!!
Welcome to the blog Miromagnum
I hope that this service offered by Miromagnum group can be a valuable tool to promote territorial. You see, Calabria has many negative primates, none of us denies. Our task is to discover and promote the history of our country so that the pride of belonging to it can be a "lever" to the future. And 'one of the many messages that carry around the world because this is the Calabria we want! It is essential to work on elements of our culture so that these problems can be solved ... at least in part! Enzo Biagi, in what could not be said (2006), describes the Calabrian in a single word: "favorite ...". This is our DNA, we are ambassadors in this world because, as we who love folklore and hospitality, diversity is sinomino of wealth ... "said the Mouse with nutmeg, give me time you eat! We expect many.