Calabrian regional sections SIAPAV-SIFCS and the EU of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitative long Cardio-Vascular-Respiratory coordinated by Dr. Francis Lyons dell'Ambulatorio Head of the Hospital Diagnosis of Vascular Mormanno, to organize on 19-20 June, in Castrovillari Protoconvento of two days in all'Angiologia which speak of "diseases arterio - venous and their management in integrating hospital area". It 'an important event for our region, where the guests gathered near the locations of great value, some of the major Italian specialists of various backgrounds. Particularly in the first session was chaired by prof. Spinelli vascular surgeon emeritus at the University of Messina and moderated by Dr. Peccerillo responsibilities. O. of Internal Medicine of the Hospital and Dr. Mormanno. Francesco Greek Cardiologist of Rosarno, we will hear the reading of Professor masterful. Giuseppe Maria Andreozzi President and National Director of SIAPAV complex Angiology Universita 'di Padova, which will focus on the role and importance of rehabilitation in the patient's vascular arteriopathy. We will also further topics such as the AOP marker pluripatologie, its timing, and follow-up, the therapeutic strategies nell'ischemia criticism in the diabetic foot and both internistico that surgery. In the second session Friday, which will start at 15.00 whose president Raffaele del Guercio dell'Angiologia and deep knowledge of the problems of microcirculation accompanied by moderators dott. Lakes Primary Castrovillari of Medicine and Professor of Surgery of Mastroroberto Catanzaro, we will listen to the lectures of Professor magistral. Barbera SIFCS National President who will focus on overall cardiovascular risk, "then we will address the issue of carotid disease from risk factors to treatment traditional and endovascular surgery. Will be important to hear the "Carotid free" presented by the Professor Barbera. In the third session was chaired by dott.Mazzù and moderated by Dr. Jacob Lamezia Terme and Dr. Mammola of (Cinquefrondi) Reggio Calabria is addressed, for nurses, the diagnostic-therapeutic ulcers on vascular diseases in growing but often neglected and multidisciplinary management. Finally, the fourth session will be held the morning of Saturday will be 'chaired by Prof.de Franciscis dell'Universita' di Catanzaro e sara 'moderated by Dr.. B.M. Ligas and C. Riccioni Rome will be open and reading the course of prof. Allegra, historic leader dell'Angiologia International where it will treat the argument about "the social impact dell'IVC and clinico-therapeutic problems more serious such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) el'embolia pulmonary (EP) .. In this session will be dedicated to the treatment of DVT and TVS will be presented and a protocol for home therapy of vascular ulcers nalla active USL 20 di Verona and ultimately it will be treated in the rehabilitation flebolinfedema Mr. La Bruna Fisiatria primary hospital Mormanno . A closure in the round table will be the 'state-of-hospital integration area. "This conference represents an important opportunity to learn more about" vascular disease "that increasingly afflicts our patients, even young people, but in particular we will find the ideas to address and address in a mutually reinforcing way, the socio-economic challenges it presents, hoping to create more and more integrated pathways to a correct management of these diseases among the workers of our province and our region.
With gentle prayer for publication
Sincerely Salvatore Calabrese
For further information, contact the manager of the conference, Salvatore Calabrese, on tel. 0981 28750, mob. 3483166208, fax 098128750, http://www.emeseventi.com/ scrivi@emeseventi.com
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