sabato 4 dicembre 2010
domenica 28 novembre 2010
Mormanno: tenth edition of Perciavutti, the pleasures of an ancient rite.
From 5 to 8 December in downtown Mormanno will host the 10th edition of the event Perciavutti, the pleasure of an ancient rite. Among the many initiatives this year include an exhibition of crafts and local produce market, the race of the Pops and many other events that will surround the great feast of Perciavutti on Wednesday December 7.
mercoledì 3 novembre 2010

To partecipate simply fill out the form and send it to Miromagnum.
For information
martedì 2 novembre 2010
Autumn Festival (Sagra delle Castagne) - The Miromagnum attending the event!

The association of folk Miromagnum Mormanno, as usual, attend the event!
We are waiting for Day November 7, 2010
lunedì 27 settembre 2010
Great success of Miromagnum From Russia with rage ...
Great success of Miromagnum From Russia with rage ...
It ended in a more than satisfactory for the Russian travel Miromagnum. The folk group was featured in two of the International Folklore Festival the world's major cities of Moscow and Volgodonsk 3 to 13 September 2010, enjoying huge success and satisfaction from both the public and numerous warm, and Russian organized by the staff.
"It 's been the best way to celebrate our thirty years of business - says the president of Marc Perrone - to participate in the Festival in Russia, for us to return to Italy full of appreciation is a source of pride and satisfaction. Represent our nation in the Russian festival has been an honor and the whole Group Miromagnum I was thrilled. We met very competent people, impeccable organization, headed in a masterly manner by Mrs. Ksenia Fokine, who from the first minute made us feel as at home. "
The Miromagnum, as the local Russian group, was also awarded at the end of the event, with a certificate of recognition for its reliability, professionalism, the quality and artistic involvement with the local public.
"We are very pleased with how they are tight relations between the delegates of the Russian Ministry of Culture and the association Miromagnum - refers Gianluca Marseille Area State Relations Association - has done a great job by all the staff Communications Group, because finally, after about 24 years, have reopened their doors to the Italian Folklore Groups in the Russian land (the organizers of the Festival of Volgodonsk reported that a final participation of an Italian group dating back to 1986). We left good memories in the minds and hearts of the entire Russian people, so that the Group was able to return immediately to the news in Russia in 2011, the year in which there will be a very extensive cultural exchanges between the two ministries , Italian and Russian.. "
The Miromagnum now go on holiday, in fact, is already working for the organization of the second edition of "The Tradition For Life", to be held in Cosenza in December, and the building site for the First " Xenia Folklore Festival "- XXI" Calabria Festival ", to be held in Mormanno in August 2011.
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Both events were organized by the House of Culture and Arts folk led by Ms. Elvira Kunin and fully funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
"It 's been the best way to celebrate our thirty years of business - says the president of Marc Perrone - to participate in the Festival in Russia, for us to return to Italy full of appreciation is a source of pride and satisfaction. Represent our nation in the Russian festival has been an honor and the whole Group Miromagnum I was thrilled. We met very competent people, impeccable organization, headed in a masterly manner by Mrs. Ksenia Fokine, who from the first minute made us feel as at home. "

"We are very pleased with how they are tight relations between the delegates of the Russian Ministry of Culture and the association Miromagnum - refers Gianluca Marseille Area State Relations Association - has done a great job by all the staff Communications Group, because finally, after about 24 years, have reopened their doors to the Italian Folklore Groups in the Russian land (the organizers of the Festival of Volgodonsk reported that a final participation of an Italian group dating back to 1986). We left good memories in the minds and hearts of the entire Russian people, so that the Group was able to return immediately to the news in Russia in 2011, the year in which there will be a very extensive cultural exchanges between the two ministries , Italian and Russian.. "
The Miromagnum now go on holiday, in fact, is already working for the organization of the second edition of "The Tradition For Life", to be held in Cosenza in December, and the building site for the First " Xenia Folklore Festival "- XXI" Calabria Festival ", to be held in Mormanno in August 2011.
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Mr. Silvio Berlusconi,
lunedì 30 agosto 2010
Tour in Moscow (Russia) 3 to 13 September 2010
The Folk Group Miromagnum of Mormanno (CS), September 3 to 13, will be committed on Russian soil to participate, as the only Italian representative, the International Folk Festival in Moscow and Volgodonsk in Rostov region.
The two Festival, included within the Russian national planning for the celebrations of the end of World War II and the birth of the Republic, is organized by the Russian Ministry of Culture with the direction of Mrs. Elvira Kunin, director of the Russian State House of Folk Art "(House of folk arts) and IOV responsible for relations with UNESCO.
"And 'cause of satisfaction and pride for us, - says the President of Marcello Perrone - having been selected to participate toured Russia. This is the culmination of a dream for Miromagnum, to participate in one of the world's most important folkloric events. Perform in front of thousands of spectators in the Capital of Folklore "will be an unforgettable experience that will bring us all in the mind and heart."
Reached by telephone also to members of the Group Miromagnum, greetings from the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Diplomatic Adviser to the Ministry of Culture Patrick Funds.
"The whole community is proud of how mormannese Miromagnum group you are working in the last period for growth and the sponsorship of the area - refers to the Parent Council Chamber PSI Gianluca Marseille - we must highlight that the association, in addition to product 2009 box set "Adopt Tradition," contains "the knowledge and tastes" of our land, has also organized charity events such as "Tradition for Life", that next December will see its second edition, and fundraising in favor of "Telefono Azzurro" and "Telethon." The tour in Russia is just reward for these thirty years, has contributed to growth, both on the artistic side than on the humanitarian side, the Group Miromagnum. For me this year will be double satisfaction because attend the events in a double role: from group member and representative of the City of Mormanno mormannesi and all."
Area Relationship
Gianluca Marseille
presidenza del consiglio,
Wednesday, 01/09/2010 - The Miromagnum in Sila
Dear Friends,
We are happy to announce our participation in one of the most evocative of our common land of Calabria, Spezzano Sila. A small village in the heart of the Sila, we expect many.
info line 3356596102
giovedì 5 agosto 2010
"Together with friends", Mormanno 11/08/2010
I have the pleasure to invite you to the event "Between Friends for a Friend", the evening will be held on August 11, 2010 at Piazza VIII Mormanno of March at 21.30 ....

I have the pleasure to invite you to the event "Between Friends for a Friend", the evening will be held on August 11, 2010 at Piazza VIII Mormanno of March at 21.30 ....

Qualche video degli artisti partecipanti!
domenica 21 febbraio 2010
"If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Mohammed"
"If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Mohammed," so we could begin this new post of group Miromagnum Mormanno. As already anticipated this summer the group this year celebrates 30 years of history, to celebrate the best of this goal has set a series of objectives for the months to follow.
One of them was our participation in the International Tourism Exchange 2010, the idea was simply to bring the group and his latest work at the event: BIT 2010. For logistical this was not possible, but we're not discouraged us!
Indeed, thanks to the partnership established with the provincial administration and especially with the commissioner Peter Lecce we decided that it wishes to support the following initiative:
As mentioned earlier today, closing the feria of Milan, in short, the BIT 2010, but to put it to Corrado "does not end here" tomorrow afternoon, the largest tour operator in the north and east will be guests in our province in Hotel of Sibariti (Corigliano)

One of them was our participation in the International Tourism Exchange 2010, the idea was simply to bring the group and his latest work at the event: BIT 2010. For logistical this was not possible, but we're not discouraged us!
Indeed, thanks to the partnership established with the provincial administration and especially with the commissioner Peter Lecce we decided that it wishes to support the following initiative:
As mentioned earlier today, closing the feria of Milan, in short, the BIT 2010, but to put it to Corrado "does not end here" tomorrow afternoon, the largest tour operator in the north and east will be guests in our province in Hotel of Sibariti (Corigliano)

To take them there will be Miromagnum and many other associations that represent the heart of our territory. During the evening each tour operator to deliver:
- A description of the language
- A description of work "takes the tradition"
- Several copies of the box
Will be present at the ceremony welcoming the presidents of the Parco della Sila, Pollino, representatives of mountain communities, the Provincial Consultant at Turim, press, local TV, photo agencies and many others. Let me make a personal observation: to be recorded for the first time a coordination to unison by all entities, a positive factor which makes us much hope on a new vision of tourism in our land!
- A description of the language
- A description of work "takes the tradition"
- Several copies of the box
Will be present at the ceremony welcoming the presidents of the Parco della Sila, Pollino, representatives of mountain communities, the Provincial Consultant at Turim, press, local TV, photo agencies and many others. Let me make a personal observation: to be recorded for the first time a coordination to unison by all entities, a positive factor which makes us much hope on a new vision of tourism in our land!
bit 2010,
Pietro Lecce,
tour operators,
domenica 14 febbraio 2010
Carnival 2010: Rotonda (PZ), Cassano allo Jonio (CS) "curri, curri u porcu"
Healthy respect for tradition and genuine Miromagnum attended by:

- Today Last Sunday of the carnival celebration in the city of Rotonda, home of the Pollino National Park
- Tomorrow Monday fat to an ancient ritual that takes place in the spa town of Cassano called the Ionian Sea to the carousels of the pig. "

At first glance, this celebration may seem archaic, violent, incocepibile today, like the bullfights of bulls. In keeping with this assessment, we like to illustrate the spirit with which comes the ritual "Curri, Curri u Porcu.
The rite was born in the Middle Ages and was celebrated the last Monday of Carnival, in those days, the era of vassals and servants, the carnival was one of the few times when you "at the level." Moreover, the pig symbol of the carnival rappesentava simultaneously two sides of same coin: wealth / power, forcefully expressed in hubris everywhere from lords of the village.
The pig was one of the few treasures to which I could aspire to, especially in the past. It is true that our people still recall this saying: "n'ortu, nu porcu na Chirica rasa ti jinghi na casa" (a vegetable, pork, and a prelate who are a source of wealth for them at home. "
The luxury of a pig, was a luxury of a few, just the noble classes. The nobles in this occasion and this time only to keep open a pig (previously killed) and those of the Knights managed to cut his head with one blow would diventanto owner. In short, a sort of small "win for life" of the Middle Ages!
Perhaps after reading the symbolic meaning exists at the ceremony, the reader will be more lenient in judging the event! I wonder if a few thousand years, observing our behaviors (today) the player does not have the same question?
We carry the official description riprtata on the site of the town of Cassano to the Ionian:
The rite was born in the Middle Ages and was celebrated the last Monday of Carnival, in those days, the era of vassals and servants, the carnival was one of the few times when you "at the level." Moreover, the pig symbol of the carnival rappesentava simultaneously two sides of same coin: wealth / power, forcefully expressed in hubris everywhere from lords of the village.
The pig was one of the few treasures to which I could aspire to, especially in the past. It is true that our people still recall this saying: "n'ortu, nu porcu na Chirica rasa ti jinghi na casa" (a vegetable, pork, and a prelate who are a source of wealth for them at home. "
The luxury of a pig, was a luxury of a few, just the noble classes. The nobles in this occasion and this time only to keep open a pig (previously killed) and those of the Knights managed to cut his head with one blow would diventanto owner. In short, a sort of small "win for life" of the Middle Ages!
Perhaps after reading the symbolic meaning exists at the ceremony, the reader will be more lenient in judging the event! I wonder if a few thousand years, observing our behaviors (today) the player does not have the same question?
We carry the official description riprtata on the site of the town of Cassano to the Ionian:
Some time ago, during the carnival, our population was attracted to a show, which today would seem barbaric and uncivilized, "u u curru purcu", namely "the joust of the pig."
At the end of the main street of the town was settled a long rope, across the board, which was hung a pig (already killed) with the head downwards .. Competitors, mule drivers and farmers, riding mules and horses, they initiate and begin to hit the pig's head until it fall. Who was declared winner, with a net and final blow, dropping the pig's head on the floor. The winner, as a tangible sign of victory, was between his teeth a piece of pig's ear and turning, accompanied by other people throughout the country. The tradition had been interrupted, but a few years this event was revived citizenship Cassano
you there!
mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010
Mormanno live with Google, please visit our little village
Dear friends, a small postcard dynamics of our beautiful Mormanno, thanks to google street view! You can visit and better appreciate the natural beauty and architecture of the city of Mormanno. The shoot dynamics were carried out in the days before the presentation of the box "adopt tradition" 14.03.2009 in fact if you look at the bulletin board in the square you will find the note posted at the conference.
View larger map
View larger map
domenica 3 gennaio 2010
"La Tradizione per la Vita" photobook
Photos of the event "La Tradizione per la Vita" are now available in the multimedia section.
All photos provided by
All photos provided by
A year full of commitments and ... ... by the President of Miromagnum Mormanno Marcello Perrone
Dear friends, thank you in advance staff for accepting my letter.
The year 2009 was a year full of satisfaction for the entire association for some time coordinate. Since year end is time to take stock, not for cars galvanized, but to become aware of how to cut goals by working in teams. Those who know me know that my first love was football, and with it I have always had great satisfaction, I have to admit, however, that those achieved with the combination Miromagnum surpasses them all. This short letter is intended to thank all those who have believed and worked together to achieve certain milestones in the history of the group ..
Mention just a few examples:
• The realization of the box "Adopt the Tradition"
• a review of the performance in key stage
• The many exhibitions in Italy and abroad as:
or Piazza della Signoria in Florence, during the "taste of Calabria"
Riva del Garda or event Viva shore shore alive
Festival or the Mediterranean in Nice
• Finally, the creation of the event benefit "tradition for Life

Never take your eyes off of our route, it should be with all of you pointing straight towards the light of our lighthouse! One more reason to pursue this route is the fact that more resources are limited and need to optimize efforts and to do so requires that you create a vicious circle of entity - companies - organizations. Maybe then we can finally nominating our community to be a point of excellence and genuine hospitality for tourists!
With esteem and friendship
The prime Miromagnum
Marcello Perrone
• The realization of the box "Adopt the Tradition"
• a review of the performance in key stage
• The many exhibitions in Italy and abroad as:
or Piazza della Signoria in Florence, during the "taste of Calabria"
Riva del Garda or event Viva shore shore alive
Festival or the Mediterranean in Nice
• Finally, the creation of the event benefit "tradition for Life
This letter, has no presumption of rules or handbook on how to put to work, want to be just a little reminder for all who love this earth to do even better. Without any presumption, we believe that there is a Calabria best that can be told and promoted through a simple action: "collaboration". As long as we act in partitioning pond, until each of us will think of being indispensable or even worse not appreciate the work of who's next, we will perish. Will not be today, but in a long time ago even the most organized structure will crumble as flour in the wind. I feel the need to ask you all, primarily to members of Miromagnum to open the doors to close, as you have always done but we must do even more! I believe that every association, organization, company operating on the territory is to work together synergistically. Mormanno, in a small coastal area of great features a strong propensity of associations. Until now, however, except in some cases, each association has operated in parallel mode to the other and never intersect its activities with those of others. A little 'for national pride, a little' to difficulties in comparison, this mode of operation arouses suspicion and difficulties. I have a dream for the coming year that we start planning for making a network between all stakeholders (actors - stakeholders). 2010, the Miromagnum celebrate 30 years of history. The role of Miromagnum increased from mere narrators of our traditions to genuine leaders of our land. Proof it is the fact that among the goals we have set ourselves for 2010 and we are already working for some time are indeed numerous and very ambitious.
Someone just to share:
• participation at BIT Milan
• preparation of the XXI edition of "Calabria Festival"
• Participation in the biennial event called "Sounds of Mother Earth" by the slow food
• Finally and not least the second edition of the box "Adopt the Trad-u-tion" version in four languages of the box just mentioned and of which this magazine is media partner.
To finish it off and inaugurate the new year we have created the calendar that might be a good omen and always the most significant milestones for the entire community.
Someone just to share:
• participation at BIT Milan
• preparation of the XXI edition of "Calabria Festival"
• Participation in the biennial event called "Sounds of Mother Earth" by the slow food
• Finally and not least the second edition of the box "Adopt the Trad-u-tion" version in four languages of the box just mentioned and of which this magazine is media partner.
To finish it off and inaugurate the new year we have created the calendar that might be a good omen and always the most significant milestones for the entire community.

Never take your eyes off of our route, it should be with all of you pointing straight towards the light of our lighthouse! One more reason to pursue this route is the fact that more resources are limited and need to optimize efforts and to do so requires that you create a vicious circle of entity - companies - organizations. Maybe then we can finally nominating our community to be a point of excellence and genuine hospitality for tourists!
With esteem and friendship
The prime Miromagnum
Marcello Perrone
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