"In lean times we can not afford these events, or are needed now more than ever not only as the driving force of popular culture but also local economies? "
We believe more so in a moment of crisis, that each of us must do our part: Associations, Agencies, Companies, Media ... with no exceptions. All must participate by providing their own supply of tools, resources and time to generate the conditions for a better country. The crisis can be tackled in many ways: by continuing to cry on, always giving the blame to others, taking a detached attitude, or can we start to lift from the bottom and prove you can do more. We believe that those who remain in this land so dry and hard, to put it through the words of the last Lighthouse Award Dr. Bohemians, "must grow first and also in a hurry."
The other night we looked at the group's headquarters, the drama played masterfully by Beppe Fiorello, "Salvatore D'Acquisto", we discussed among ourselves what it meant to be young in 1943. Those guys do we have left? Sure hope that you can build a better world. We, without presumption, we do it every day in our small, encountered in, trying out some new choreography, drawing up a new project, most of the time crazy to make ends meet and when that fails with the ordinary management of the self-assessed members.
Who knows how many times each of us thought, "but who we do it?" None of us ever had the courage to say out loud, do not run the risk of offending those who were working at that time. This is the spirit that hovers in the "House Italy: Miromagnum", is because first we are Italians and we are proud to be, especially when we live as you said to make the best of ourselves in the most beautiful squares in the world. This is our vision, but must deal with reality. During the press conference of Xenia Festival has clearly discussed the need for an event of this kind. We reiterate to easily share the full thought of the President of the Park Pollino - Hon Dominic Pappaterra, recalling that the event is and throws the challenge for the future: "... we must realize that the ideas can be put field only if you are looking for synergies between the various social actors, if you put together, if you make an effort of synthesis, since the only support of institutions is not sufficient. The action taken to involve the various associations from fielding Miromagnum is the winning idea ... ".
The organizational model used by us in sharing that puts corporations / companies / associations / media has already given rise to excellent results as "Adopt tradition," "The tradition for Life", "Walk of Life" finally "Xenia Festival". Each of these projects brings with it always, or almost full funding (private / public) already in the planning stage. We believe this represents a starting point and not the arrival, in the near future the model should be innovated and integrated with new life otherwise how all organisms is destined to become extinct. You may wonder how? The first idea that comes to mind is the extension of the model to its neighbors to the high of the Pollino.
In this way we obtain the joint event planning, promotional unique format, lengthening of the period, de-temporalization, barrier to entry for those who want to create duplication and much more.
To achieve such a process must be clear, the work must be done to unison and each community must lose some 'of its autonomy and asking more and more in a healthy organizational competition, imagine a kind of "Primary Territory", a little 'how it works for the award of the world championships or Olympics.
It is understandable that more than thinkable or in the same period in a range of less than 30 km at the same time there are 4 of the International Folklore Festival, as well as has happened this year: Mormanno, Morano Calabro, Frascineto, Castrovillari. We believe that this was a failure of all.
When it comes to economics, the clarity is a must, otherwise we risk making fruitless discussions. The Miromagnum, 2008 by resolution of council, have decided to take this first step in support of this principle, the event every two years institutionalized.
Attention then to carry the name "International Festival of Folklore", and would rather not mention here the word "tourism" ... .. term of abuse in the past also by us, we have no difficulty in being critical, especially to ourselves. We should take a step back and talk about oral tradition, have done well to cite the principles "on the preservation of culture and oral tradition (Paris 1989)."
As is well known, worldwide under the auspices of UNESCO oversight bodies exist that tend to make the principles expressed in the "Recommendation on the protection of culture and folklore" of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Science and Culture, (Paris 1989).
The bodies responsible for implementing and monitoring many of these principles are among the most important world we CIOFF, the IOV, WIPO. Each of these international bodies working in the same certification agency. Achieve its mission through the control of some constraints explicitly expressed between the groups and the organizers of the event, promoting the meeting (for example: the number of participating groups, reception standards, the cost of equity contributions, etc..) Alas especially in Italy, not everything went according to plan, but that's another story ... .. to put it Lucarelli the effect was devastating not only did not have the proper attention to coordinate / control all the organizations that have launched overnight in these adventures, but also produced divisions and bad management that we are all now paying the consequences.
If we make a comparison with the sport, it prohibits anyone the opportunity to play football and to organize a tournament, but the league is different from and yet a third category exists as a single body that coordinates the role, the Federation Italian Football.
For this reason, in compliance with these constraints we decided to change its name to the Festival and to focus on something, like you said, ranged from sports, music, food and wine to better apply the principle of Xenia, and not least also have been Friends who follow us on the internet to dictate the line on the culture of law, promoting the two Lighthouse Awards Giardina / Bohemians. The service was broadcast on RAI TRE Calabria was caught right in the sense of the event, the transition from traditional Festival of Folklore Festival in Xenia. This step has allowed all the actors, just to name a few: UISP Pollino Park Authority, Municipal Amm.ne Mormanno, region Calabria, Calabria's Daily, Faronotizie.it, Proloco, Volleyball Mormanno, Thief of Light , The Valley slugs, Eco Environment, Transport Only Oats and many others, to be better identified in the area by placing the event a step higher than other concurrent initiatives even if valid.
The shifting of the folklore festival in the festival hospitality, has emphasized another courageous choice that Miromagnum have achieved over the last four years of activity, the show is no longer seen as pure and simple alternation of song and dance, but something beyond. We decided to take a uphill battle, risky, where the show brings with it a plot full of emotions, truthful and at the same time innovative, dynamic, like a trip test, following the time and manner of a play . This solves the problem you stated "I believe, however, that there is now, and assists in the viewer, a saturation of the message, an interest in the performances of foreign groups limited to those aspects of acrobatic dance, the sparkle of the costumes, the beauty of the faces and trained bodies, the strangeness of the musical instruments. "This decision not only has rewarded us but allowed us to improve our brand of pure folk activities to cultural activities.
Based on our vision of the folk we are assuming the formula for the future of the festival, we imagine, even if the idea is still in embryo, that:
- The groups should be housed appropriately selected in accordance with a path similar to ours;
- Be provided the forum for the presentation, where each guest group will tell the story, the costumes, the music, maybe even a moment to savor the flavors of food and wine country of origin.
"What remains of all this? This made it more hospitable Mormanno a country? "
As you know Miromagnum with their 30 years of activity and fewer than 21 editions of the Festival have received awards, took pictures, shared exciting moments in Mormanno ... and not only with the sending and hosting many different cultures.
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