"The traditional and popular culture is the set of the creations of a cultural community, based on tradition, expressed by a group or individuals and recognized as meeting the expectations of the community as an expression of cultural identity and social norms and values that are transmitted orally, by imitation or by other means. Its forms include, among other things, language, literature, music, dance, games, mythology, rituals, customs, crafts , architecture and other arts. "
I take this definition from the "Recommendation on the protection of culture and folklore" of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Paris 1989), which invite you to read in its entirety.
From north to south of the peninsula are organized every year, especially in summer, hundreds of "International Folklore Festival". Enter these terms in popular search engines and you will have proof.
Reviews are meritorious, which tend to bring the peoples which included the development and sharing of songs, sounds, costumes, dances and choreographies that draw on tradition and local history.
One such event is based on many years and this year's Mormanno (XXI FOLKLORE FESTIVAL EDITION OF XENIA), owned and very well organized, had a great and deserved success for having been able to combine the themes of popular culture with those of legality, acceptance and dell'affratellamento through sport. It 'was exciting to hear ring out in our own lands, the word "Xenia"
A brief and effective summary of the festival is in its promotional video and the service of the TG3 Calabria us August 19 (Minute 9.40).
Who participates directly in these events live on the great involvement: it grows and is formed by combining the love of their traditions with the knowledge and respect for the popular cultures of others. This intimate maturation is internalized, so to speak, in the long and tiring hours spent trying to figure singing and dancing and externalized in travel and in the shows in the most beautiful squares in the world.
However, I think there is now, and assists in the viewer, a saturation of the message, an interest in the performances of foreign groups limited to those aspects of acrobatic dance, the sparkle of costumes, the beauty of the faces and bodies trained, the strangeness of musical instruments.
I wonder then, specifically: Mormanno not only a pleasant memory for young people around the world on our streets are acclaimed, has become a country more hospitable, more open, the better thanks to decades of international folklore?
In lean times we can not afford these events, or are needed now more than ever not only as the driving force of popular culture but also local economies?
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