giovedì 20 dicembre 2007
venerdì 14 dicembre 2007
15/12/2007 - Ruralilandia Sila in Exhibition - Cosenza - The Folk Group participates in the event

Dear Friends,
it's a great pleasure from me to participate in this event. Let me thank the town of Cosenza in the person of Mr. Perugini, the Mayor of the town.
A special thanks goes to our friends of the Second District, we thank the President Giovanni Cipparrone and his staff for the opportunity to represent your city on several occasions.
We started with a relationship, now with great pride we can say that was a beautiful and sound friendship.
This trait d'union is confirmed by this event: -- Saturday, 08 December I & II The district participated in the Feast of Perciavutti (TV present: RAI TRE CALABRIA, TEN, TELEMORMANNO)
-- Sunday 09 December 2007, we witnessed the twinning between the circle of elderly people of JMormanno and Cosenza cities council. (TV present: RAI UNO, RAI TRE CALABRIA, TEN, TELEMORMANNO) The goal we aim at is to bring the two centres more and more nearer!
What can we say again ... Waiting for us on DECEMBER 15 HOURS 20.00 in the heart of the city (11 Septembre square) for tasting together the values and flavours of our Sila! Dancing Tarantella ... AND NOT ONLY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
giovedì 13 dicembre 2007
08/12/2007 - Perciavutti in Mormanno (CS) Videos
Dear Friends, as I promised a few videos of the Perciavutti Feast! Congratulations to all, thanks to our friends of Terranova of the Pollino "Totarella" to Francesco D'Amore called "Compagnero U" for many of us "U Tarantulatu "....
mercoledì 21 novembre 2007
08/12/2007 - Perciavutti Feast in Mormanno (CS) Miromagnum Folk Group participates in ..
The Association "Comunalia", with the intent to make clear outside this our ancient custom, organizes since seven years "Perciavutti" event. This year, in the heart of the four parts of the old town - Capo lo Serro, Casalicchio, Torretta e Costa - will be set up some typical "vuttari", that is to say the traditional ritual of barrels "perciatura". The wine will be poured and offered to our Guests that will be to enjoy food along with the oldest mormannese tradition and with music and happiness. Please don't miss this evening, we are waiting for you!
Program: December 8, 2007, at 19:00 - Opening of barrels by "vuttari".
Guests of the evening:
“Zampogne e ciaramella del Pollino”Con il maestro Pino Salomone
Popular Music Quartet “Tricc e Ballaci”
Miromagnum Folk Group
lunedì 12 novembre 2007
1743, Thanks!
I want only to say thank you!! After joining the Palio of city councils we received a general esteem and this become for all a moment of pride! A little summary of the Fagona Dance!
3rd complete part is available on
we are waiting for your comments!
mercoledì 7 novembre 2007
The Palio of Town Councils - live TEN 15.00 hours 10/11/2007

October 27 began "Il Palio dei Comuni." The successful TV programme magnetized the attention of listeners (more than 40 thousand of phone calls received in the 2006-2007). The format proposes again the theme of the previous editions: a window opened on the finest traditions of the Province of Cosenza and not only this, on the authentic history of the taking part towns, a history from which to build future development. Each week will be into competition two municipalities that will be faced up in a very special way. The city councils are: Altomonte, Amendolara, Aprigliano, Belsito, Cerisano, Diamante, Falconara A., Fuscaldo, Guardia P., Laino Borgo, Lattarico, Luzzi, Monterosso Calabro, Mormanno, Paterno Calabro, Rende, Rogliano, Rossano, San Donato di Ninea, San Marco Argentano, Sant'Agata d' Esaro, S. Maria del Cedro, S. Stefano di Rogliano and Saracena. The special thing of this edition is "an invasion", every week, in the city councils in competition to discover the mood, expectations and anticipations and in the meanwhile stealing curiosity about what will happen later in the studio. Miromagnum Folk Group takes part in! On Saturday afternoon comparison with friends in the municipality of San Donato Di Ninea. Thanks to 30 phone lines you can you can vote for the favorite place, with all its associations. The cost of calls from fixed phone is 10.54 cents (VAT included) per minute, with no other charges. The fare from mobile network is established according to the operator. You can vote from 15.30 h to 16.45 h (on Saturday).
The transmission will be run on Sunday evening, at 20.30. We are waiting for many people, all linked on 10/11/2007 TEN 15.00 hours
... and overall vote at phone number + Code, in our case 2
Ad Maiora Semper ...