First of all came to the gypsies and I was happy because rubacchiavano.
Marcello Perrone
Mezzogiorno in Famiglia a Mormanno - Sabato 1 Novembre 2008
Un grazie a tutti per il lavoro svolto!
A global phenomenon: with RAI International viewers in Latin America. The drafting a tender RAI receives mail from an Mormanno people emigrated to Brazil: "I rise at six in the morning, along with my family, to revise my sweet country." From all citizens: good! Keep it up! That beautiful image you are giving our region! The incredible involvement of the many migrants who live outside. Piedmont is the leader of an organization that has done extensive raise averages of televoting in the region. The occasion has strengthened the umbilical cords that bind each “mormannese” to his country and the ancient suffering. Relatives, friends, childhood show for the cameras then receive the call interurban "I have seen, which is pretty strange ... Mormanno on TV, is also seeing all the beautiful!". For the record last weekend, the sixth of participation, the competition was disputed by Vigarano Mainarda (common in the province of Ferrara). Mormanno winner comes out both in the leg on Saturday that the closure on Sunday. Decisive victory for the neo-captain, Franco Cersosimo, which carry well to their task of alternate Prof.. Domenico Crea, Marina - Mom sprint that bite apples-17 and all boys' hands, "the most important game that gives the final victory. As script beating the last moments of "strappacoppa", the game of the shower, Don Graziano - sympathetic captain of opponents blindfolded must count 30 seconds, takes the time-say-reciting a Ave Maria and a half: efforts of one second , Would say "amen for a"!. Assessor
municipal tourism Gerardo Zaccaria is already projected into the future. We are already working-Alderman says - the important round of the weekend 08/12/2008 with the traditional feast of "Perciavutti" - programmed in the evening of Dec. 7 - which this year will cover events throughout the weekend starting from Saturday. It will be the litmus test of popularity that the transmission in Southern Family has given us. Early findings at the interest and bookings at the facilities me to be a great success of attendance mainly from outside the region. On this exhilarating experience Mayor William Armentano issuing a final consideration: "Mormanno in all these weeks of programming, with scenic composition of our tradition (food, costumes and handicrafts), is launching a promotion that now involves the entire province Cosenza and - if we were to continue - will involve the whole region but especially is saying a positive image and winning of Calabria. The secret of this success should be attributed mainly to the peculiarities of reality “mormannese” that despite a small population of about 3600 inhabitants, counts dozens of associations of great activism. Volunteering and employment leisure organized in associations to take over a significant role in the social fabric of the community has made in recent weeks to respond best to the great effort that the organization of direct links requires. Not secondary also the contribution from those artisans and entrepreneurs who were able to seize the opportunity by enlarging the scope to specific national craft and culinary land. Ben thirty construction stage now set that collected the appreciation of the director and the public: a difficult test which I think Mormanno bait promoted with flying colors. "
By Nicholas Alberti
Congratulation by Emiliano e Roberto
Southern Family in a Mormanno - Saturday 20 September 2008 (Part II)
Southern Family in a Mormanno - Saturday 20 September 2008 (Part II)
September 27, 08 Southern Family in a Mormanno
- Saturday, October 4, 08 Southern Family in a Mormanno
- Sunday, October 5, 2008 Southern Family in a Mormanno -
Sunday 12 October 2008 La Ginestra ...
Mormanno wins again, a festival of people salutes the victory in the second match with the town of Bibbona (LI). turning point in the race Saturday live on RAI 2 in the transmission "in Southern Family."
“. The square of Mormanno was the second time theater games, re-enactments of ancient traditions and crafts of vintage cars and folklore that skillfully blended by director, showed the national audience the colorful postcard to a place that an opportunity to better embodies the typical Calabrian.
The event will be attended by associations and groups from
This year the event is of a special importance because it marks the completion of a trail, a long twenty years, in which they have been tested ethnic and music sounds of great traditions, without ever disperse the spirit of the event voted to extol the principles of diversity and brotherhood.
In these 20 years we have had ours pleasant guests people coming from the 5 continents, to tell her/it all 96 Groups coming from well 48 different nations.
During the final evening will also delivered the international prize "The Lighthouse", at the VI edition. This year the prize will be awarded to "Amarelli" Rossano. As tradition, the event is one of the most popular event of Calabria summer
Dilluns, 14 de juliol
Sóller, Plaça Constitució
* 21'30 h. - Gran Obertura de la XXVII Mostra, amb l'actuació de tots els grups participants.
Dimarts, 15 de juliol
Sóller, Escolàpies
* 10'30 a 12'30 h. – Intercanvi teòric
Sóller, Plaça Constitució
* 22’00 h. – Taller
Port de Sóller
* 22’00 h. – Passa carrers
Fornalutx, Plaça
* 22'00 h. - Ballada espectacle (1 grup)
Dimecres, 16 de juliol
Sóller, Escolàpies
· 10'30 a 12'30 h. – Intercanvi teòric
Sóller, Plaça Constitució
* 21’30 h. – Taller de música
Algaida, plaça
* 22'00 h. - Ballada espectacle (2 grups)
Deià, Plaça
* 22'00 h. - Ballada espectacle (1 grup)
Dijous, 17 de juliol
Sóller, Escolàpies
* 10'30 a 12'30 h. – Intercanvi teòric
Palma, Llar dels Ancians (Gral. Riera)
* 20´45 h. – Ballada espectacle de tots els grups participants.
Acte patrocinat especialment pel C.I.M. i Sa Nostra.
Palma, Parc de la Mar
* 22'00 h. - Vetllada amb l'actuació dels grups participants a la XXVII Mostra.
Acte patrocinat especialment per IBATUR i Exm. Ajuntament de Palma.
Divendres, 18 de juliol
Sóller, Plaça Constitució
*10’30 h. – Jocs infantils
* 21'30 h. - Ballada espectacle (2 grups)
Port de Sóller
* 22’00 h. – Passacarrers
Muro, Plaça Ajuntament
* 22´00 h. – Ballada espectacle
Alcúdia, Plaça Ajuntament
* 22'00 h. - Ballada espectacle
Sa Pobla, Plaça Ajuntament
* 22'00 h. - Ballada espectacle
Dissabte, 19 de juliol
Sóller, plaça
* 11'00 h. – Mercadet.
* Al mateix temps, música dels grups participants a Sa Mostra.
Sóller, Plaça Constitució
* 22'00 h. - Actuació de Cloenda de la XXVII Mostra, amb la participació de tots els grups.
Distinció d’Estudis Folklòrics i Etnogràfics Tomeu Ensenyat a: Associació cultural Canonge de Santa Sirga
Tant els intercanvis teòrics, on cada grup exposarà els trets més importants del seu folklore, com els tallers que es fan a ses Escolàpies, a la Plaça Constitució i al Port de Sóller estan oberts a tothom que hi vulgui assistir.
L'organització es reserva el dret de modificar el present programa.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi sul nostro Blog, diretta giornaliera dalla Spagna!
A presto
info: Sa Mostra. Sóller International Folk Festival - 16th to 22nd July 2008 - Useful informationSa Mostra. Mostra Internacional Folklórica Apartado de correos, 59 07100 Sóller (Majorca)Tel. +34 971630753 /Fax +34 971633313 Activity: Festivals. SpainTheme: Music and Dance. / World Music. SpainSa Mostra is a folk festival founded by the “Aires Sollerics” group, whose main objective was to bring traditional dance to the public. The event lasts eight days and groups from all over the world take part. They not only give public performances, but also have cultural exchanges between them, the aim being to widen their knowledge of different cultures. On the last day of the festival there is a concert with music and song where all the participating groups take part. Dates: 7/16/2007 - 7/22/2007
"IV edition of the Traditional Olympics Games ".
Good reading