On 22 September 1989 the City Council approves the resolution together with nr. 135 concern the "twinning between the City and the Municipality of Savigliano Mormanno. On 's report Councilor Catherine Ugliengo, the resolution states: "The city of Savigliano counts among its residents, a large number of native Mormanno, citizens of the Province of Cosenza. The aforementioned common during the course of numerous contacts with the Department of Culture, has urged the Administration to consider the possibility of a twinning between the two centers. The process was formally initiated by the City of Mormanno with the adoption of the resolution ... that the reasons for the proposal reads as follows: Since twinning, while betraying a historical reality of the south-north migration, confirmed also by the bond of friendship and brotherhood between the peoples of the two centers, and that it also with its overall charge potential, can only achieve beneficial effects in order to ' increased cultural and social relations by promoting economic exchanges and tourism development, "Twinning Savigliano-Mormanno is thus also a symbolic and emblematic of a social phenomenon that our city has had a significant importance and therefore a recognition of the contribution evolution of our city from all those people who by their presence, with their work, with their cultural history have enriched the "Community Savigliano" becoming part of it. The meeting between the official delegation of Mormannesi administration, led by the Mayor of Savigliano Remigio Galletto, takes place in City Hall Saturday, October 7th, 1989 with the participation of the chorus Milanollo and the folk group Miromagnum. The descent of our administrators with the banner in the town of Calabria, accompanied by many residents normannesi Savigliano, takes place on days 5 to 9 April 1990. At a distance of 20 years return to Miromagnum Savigliano to participate in the traditional feast of bread, to be held in the city of Savigliano 25 to 27 September 2009.
programma V edizione della festa del pane savigliano (Cn) 2009 - I miromagnum partecipano all'evento
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COME AND MANY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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