mercoledì 10 agosto 2011

Kick off: XXI Xenia Folklore Festival - Mormanno

With the press conference scheduled at 19:30 on 10 August, at the Multipurpose Room, Piazza S. D'Alessandro hour kicks off the XXI edition of the folklore festival, a festival that seeks the public's attention with a formula entirely renovated, which will, in the expectations of the organizers, establish itself as an opportunity for cultural exchange between peoples of different participating nations, expanding the stage, going well beyond the ripropoosizione songs and folk dances. In the words of Mayor William Armentano spirit that will animate this three-day festival:
"As the first citizen is with pride that I present to everyone's attention the 2011 edition of the Festival Xenia, which proposes a formula with a totally renewed. The keystone of this new experience is the hospitality all round, because the formula of the festival 2011 provides that our foreign guests and all participants can share moments of our everyday life: from sports to the table, the life of "vaneddre" . In other words we have imagined and created a festival that goes beyond the performance on stage but that the country lives. The program is rich and complex: we have tried to harmonize into a single experience of sport, music, dance, tasting of local products and culture.
As mayor I'm really proud to present an event that, for the first time in the history of our country, saw the participation of all the associations present in the municipal area; to them I extend my most heartfelt thanks for their commitment and dedication with they collaborated on the design of the festival. I want to read in this participation is hope for the future, a sign that Mormanno wants and can still be a pole of attraction, a "beacon" for the surrounding countries, and given the international flavor of the festival, even beyond. And by the lighthouse I remembered that day 13 proceed to the award the "LIGHT", designed to honor a person or Calabrian Calabrian origin that has stood for professional or personal merits in the social field. This year, exceptionally, the "LIGHT" will be two: Colonel Dr. Giardina and Bohemians, and that the large number of nominations received from both the site of the group. The festival does not close in August, this year it will close in mid-October with the conference: From Units to date, legality and southern elements of characterization in a united Europe ", whose participants: Colonel Valerio Giardina, Dr. Salvatore Bohemians, Professor Guerino D'Ignazio Political Science Faculty Dean UNICAL, On.Caligiuri regional culture ... .. ". Ultimately I would say that the festival in its new formulation can be truly a time of large-scale aggregation, given the direct involvement of a large slice of citizenship mormannese. On behalf of the administration that I represent want to extend a most cordial welcome to foreign groups attending the festival, in particular, I believe that the co-group of the group from Croatia and from Serbia, given the known events that have affected these two peoples, is very significant, is the certainty that the civil and peaceful coexistence between peoples is possible and not a utopia. "
As anticipated by the Mayor Armentano, this edition of the festival, participating in a group of Serbia, the Croatian group, a group from Russia and one from Indonesia.
In the words of the President of the Folk Group Miromagnum, Marcello Perrone, more details on the festival 2011.
Marcello Perrone: "With great excitement we begin the twenty-first edition of the festival of folklore, which for us represents a new challenge, a new goal to reach. The slogan then was "hospitality". We have planned several initiatives during the three days that follow, ranging from sports to the table, to 'orienteering in the alleys of the town, the parade of groups.
Encouraged by the success that we found in previous editions, we have imagined and created a festival so oriented to the rediscovery of traditions, but that goes well with the everyday life of the village and its people. The idea is to bring the folklore, in its broadest sense and positive off-stage. The effort has been remarkable and no doubt we overlook something, of that our audience will excuse us, but as stated by the mayor Armentano, the real novelty is represented by the synergies that have developed between the different associations in the area common for the festival in the new wording could come to life. Thanks to them, everything will take place, we believe, in the best way, especially on 11 August there will be tournaments volley, basketball and football in five mormannesi organized sports clubs, day 12 in the center of Orienteering Mormanno by the UISP Calabria and, by the Pro site and with the participation of the Association Hall, the fair will be inaugurated with a parade of Tradition and small performances of folk groups, on the evenings of 11 and 12 with the music becomes the star of the concert respectively Coram Populo and Faro Loco; everything will end the evening of 13 August with the final evening of the sixth and delivery XENIA Folklore Festival Award "Lighthouse" will be awarded Col. Valerio Giardina and the Commissioner of the Calabria Region Contracting Single Station Dr. Salvatore Bohemians. The event then moves to October for a conference on law. "
A program worthy of a festival of international significance is the one that offers to those who want to participate Mormanno, with the basic idea underlying convincing and attractive, that of promoting the area through the "Xenia", hospitality since the beginning time has simple rules: respect for the host to the guest, the guest with respect to the host, the "parting gift" from the host to the guest before departure. Along these three guidelines Festival 2011 will take place and if, to paraphrase Edison, "the value of an idea lies in its realization", the festival begins!

Press conference at 19:30 multifunctional S. D'Alessandro (Mormanno)
Investments confirmed: Mayor William Armentano, President Miromagnum Marcello Perrone, Artistic Director Gianluca Marseille, President Joseph Proloco Sola, Chairman Uisp Calabria Prof. Giuseppe Tropeano, Walter Valentini Ass thieves responsible for light, Prof. Francis MT Tarantino Curator exhibition "Memories of trees cut," Dr. Angela Grisolia resp. "Day Active Citizenship", Gianluca Grisolia Provincial Councillor, the Hon Dominic Pappaterra President Pollino National Park. Groups with participants exchanging gifts: Serbia, Croatia, Russia, Indonesia, Italy

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