venerdì 27 gennaio 2012

New CEO National Youth section: Gianluca Marsiglia

Luca Marsiglia - Orchestra Miromagnum "La tradizione per la vita"
Congratulations to Gianluca Marsiglia, friends Luke, for the appointment conferred by the IOV Italy. Miromagnum I wish him great luck!

Mormanno, January 25, 2012

Dear friends,
It is with great pleasure that I inform you that the January 22, 2012 meeting of the Italian Section IOV (International Organization Art and Popular Culture), chaired by Mr. Fabrizio Cattaneo, has decided to set the next target change the status of IOV Italy, considering starting a youth section (IOV Youth), with related regulations and fees. By unanimous vote, has also appointed me as representative of the Italian section IOV for the next World Youth Assembly to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, 25 to 29 June 2012.

With this I appeal to all young people, in whatever way they see fit, want to collaborate on the project of construction of the section and to its development and that, once operational, will stand for his work both nationally and internationally. First of all I want to emphasize the goals of the international organization and the Italian section, which must not be put in contrast with other federations and / or agencies in the area. As per the statutes, which I quote in full, IOV objectives are: To encourage the preservation, protection and promotion of art and popular culture, material and immaterial, to promote the objectives of the United Nations (UN) to contribute to the education and preservation of cultural identity of all peoples and nations and in so doing, promote international understanding and world peace, considering the growing role of science and scientific results achieved by encouraging IOV their goals and apply valid and proven methods of scientific analysis to study and preservation of cultural programs and activities, both national and international promotion of the 2003 Convention on the protection of intangible cultural heritage, together with the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on projects and programs of mutual benefit and interest to assist in the implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage, experts in the field by providing both the national, regional and local levels, support the efforts of the ethnic communities to preserve and protect their popular culture, to support programs that encourage young people in ethnic communities to identify young people prepared to develop and strengthen the cultural identity of and for the youth and to promote cultural identity, the continuity of traditions and strengthen cultural identity.
I would like to mention the phrase on our calendar of Folklore Festival 2012: "We are the youth of today, looking back and moving forward" (we are the youth of today, looking back and going forward); perfect phrase to describe what will become the national section IOV youth, will be our motto!

The entries for the current year IOV Italy are open (mode and registration forms available on the website; need of young people with ideas, proposals, with so much energy and desire to work in our area, so I invite you to contact us for any clarification. 

Remembrance Day: lest we forget ...

Memorial Day is a celebration established by the Italian Parliament with Law 211 of July 20, 2000. Italy has thus joined the international proposal to declare January 27 as a day commemorating the victims of National Socialism and Fascism, the Holocaust and to honor those who risked their lives have protected the persecuted.

The text of Article 1 of the Act defines the purpose of Memorial Day:

"The Italian Republic recognizes the 27th day of January, when the gates of Auschwitz," Memorial Day "in order to remember the Shoah (extermination of the Jewish people), the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jewish citizens, the Italians who suffered deportation, imprisonment, death, and those who, in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and the risk of their lives they have saved more lives and protected the persecuted. »

Never before in these times of economic and social difficulties is essential to remember what man can do against his fellow man. Never before in these moments need to invite everyone to social cohesion, to a man's universal vision. It is necessary that all, repeat all of us face adversity without sterile popolusmi the many who daily live. The Foklore is definitely a tool to support this philosophy, vision. The groups around the world with their actions allow you to immortalize the memory and at the same time are a teaching tool for future generations so that phenomena such as the Holocaust, Holocaust denial, racism be defeated not by a legal ban but by a cultural approach that condemns any form or ideology, doing so will avoid a possible recurrence in the times we live in today ...

Dear friends of foklore please do not forget ...
not to be missed this evening at 21.10 on La7d

giovedì 26 gennaio 2012

Service video TG-Ten: Miromagnum groups

Service video of WDI TG-Ten aired yesterday at 19.30, Group Fokloristico Miromagnum of Corso Mazzini to support the economy! minute 22:40

TG TEN 01/26/2012

Ten of the 26 January 2012 TG TG ten times 08:00 14:30 17:00 19:30 22:30 TEN - Teleuropa Network TV Live Stream of Calabria

Good see!

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012

"an elephant in a glass wall" - The event Miromagnum participate

Last night at the invitation of President of the Pollino National Park Miromagnum have actively participated in the meeting convened by Ente goal: "Making the network to create a great event for the Territory," The Miromagnum, on behalf of the President Marcello Perrone, have fully willingness to work in this direction. With the establishment of a permanent work table for the implementation of the proposed project. It should be noted that the idea for some time, was married, as a method by Miromagnum, it is true that the Xenia Folklore Festival 2011 has been fully characterized on a shared schedule between public, private associations. The table already has a starting point, in fact, although many challenges, Gerardo Bonifitati presented a Budget which shows the maximum temporal and territorial scope of the event. In the coming days, the board consists of the various administrations and presidents of the participating groups will have to turn the idea into a project viable and attractive. The goal that arises is to be able to compete for the award of the ROP regional events. The deadline is in less than a month, every participant has the obligation to pool their efforts, leaving sterile parochialism, everyone will have to leave on the table some of their autonomy in the name of cooperation. A warning, "rejected the proposal, the proposal stated," This is the only rule that will follow the design process! Mind you friends if we were to lose this train I'm afraid it will be difficult to review foklore prestigious Festival of the territory .... Next to work!

CASTROVILLARI - He knows you want to make a difficult task, which compares to the passage of "an elephant in a glass wall," but Dominic Pappaterra a unique event in the folklore of the Pollino we always believed. And "for the formal part" that pertains to him tried, tonight, at the same table to put the twelve municipalities in the district, their proloco, and representatives of major groups of folk traditions that have made their passion for life. But despite the good intentions and assumptions made, some stomach ache he felt the meeting. Especially in some of these associations. Not all, but a few. But this is the signal that if the underlying principles should combine the folklore around here, unfortunately, there are still many parochialism and "sovereignty" - as he calls the president of the Park Pappaterra - which many are related and to whom perhaps it will be difficult to understand that to achieve a "great event" must give up something as well. To the states general of the folklore of the Pollino, commissioned by Dominic Pappaterra, everything the right way is not gone. But the president confesses, closing the meeting, however, that "encourages us to work," he expected "that went a lot worse." He is a man who knows the territory well some "scale" in relations and in the ways of the local folklore of the men who made history. And they are, among other things, that "expertise" on which Pappaterra want to aim for " Pollino to nominate a great event of folklore. "The recipe is easily stated in the introduction of an appointment to see the greatest exponents, institutional and folklore of the area, all in the same room." We must put a little willingness "to avoid" pulverize resources' at risk not to help "no event." And then there is the watchful eye of the Region of Calabria, with its ban on "big events" that may be to optimize the resource for all in terms of institutional and economic. Need a short proposal that "involves the whole" and that allows to "build a path that we can see fully involved." All in good conditions. And for the institutional part, beyond just a few of the right method and organization (by the town of Morano, with the assessor rating, and the town of Frascineto, with the commissioner Sancineto), all seem to agree on principles and on the initiative. dissonant voices are heard by the stronger Morano per site, with Nicola Fuscaldo, and the leader of "City of Castrovillari," Anthony Notaro, but also with the ever-present Leonardo D'Agostino.
They are the ones who do not like being with a proposal, signed by Gerardo Bonifati already made and ready-made. And while the former will remain until the end, continuing to challenge you have arrived at a meeting with a project already defined, the second, after his speech "critical" will leave the assembly. will remain, providing a starting point different reading (can-) instead Marcello Perrone, Tonino La Rocca, Remo Chiappetta, to which the President Pappaterra tributerà also his praise for the "availability" declared to try to stay together on this idea of ​​a unitary event. It will then be the same Gerard Bonifati, but before him the president Pappatera, to underline how the proposal is "a trace" of which you do not want to have "management." relies on the fact the "technical committee" that will be here in a month if there are grounds to reason together on a great event in the local folklore. Pappaterra attempts to retract the controversy in the bed of a discussion of principle. Castrovillari The mayor, alderman present along Vineyard, tries to emphasis on the "identity of the park that is also cultural." And try to smooth the edges of a discussion that is too confining "in their own particular 'is that, if you will, this proposal from the Park is" a political challenge in the noble sense of the word. "Folklore, in short, can become a great tourist attratore, supported by public funds that go in the direction of" territoriality "and" innovation ", if only everyone will understand that it is indeed" the vocation of this area ". Folklore from the tower area. The difficult challenge to network Written by Vincent Alvaro January 24, 2012

lunedì 16 gennaio 2012

Ciao Zio Anto! (Honorary President Miromagnum Group's)

Yesterday was one of those Sundays, which inspired "Chiazza talk to ..." in short, one of those days where it's worth and the desire to live in Mormanno. One of those Sundays when passing through the narrow streets of the beloved village still feel the scents and authentic values​​. This lovely day will always be marked and will mark our history. After lunch he fell asleep in an eternal sleep, one of our founding fathers. He was the uncle of all, our Honorary President, Antonio Perrone Ndonio Zu. I remember the countless experiences of our many trips. Ever watchful and attentive to every thing, was the Uncle of all, on him you could always refer to. He loved the folklore of his life more, even in recent years in which health was fading there was no opportunity to demonstrate the closeness to the group, this summer I remember saying "I want the Green Festival, I left an hour first with my Lady .... I will stop ... but I am not worry! "At the next festival, the next departure to the next show there will be more physically. I'm sure you've been accepted in the highest, with the honors you deserve, knowing you, you have already closed a deal on here also want to be with your grandchildren's Miromagnum!. I'm sure! I must say I miss you already heard, but we will endure thanks to the faith and love that you taught us. I'll leave you with a poem written by your dear friend Carmine Sola.
"Murmannu meju Murmannu
porta di la Calabria
vurria ristà cu tia, pi tuttu l'annu
vurria ristà cu tia, pi tuttu l'annu...

You'll be forever in the heart of your beloved Mormanno!
Ciao Zio Anto!

venerdì 13 gennaio 2012

The Miromagnum in support of trade and work in Cosenza January 21

The Miromagnum have married in the full proposal of the Mayor of Cosenza, Mario Occhiuto Arch and give their contribution for the city of Bruzi can accommodate the most guests. A commendable initiative to better live the city of Cosenza, but at the same time to highlight how the social-economic crisis you quit just need a spirit of collaboration and creativity. A vision of this kind implies not only a quantum leap in the thinking of everyone but a new regional strategy dedicated to cooperation, where the suburbs and work in unison urban area. The Miromagnum for about 5 years actively collaborate with the city of Bruzi, we hope that with our contribution could be strengthened further strengthen the bond that already exists.

About the idea of the Councillor for Urban Economic Growth Luciano Vineyard that with his speech to stress the compliance of the project to one of the objectives of the Administration, to promote more traditional and clear purpose of Corso Mazzini. "Waiting for the next approval of regional legislation on-Vine says - it is the will of the municipal submit integrated projects to support business and obtain recognition of the main commercial center of the city as natural."
a voi i programma dei prossimi giorni
Venerdi 13 gennaio
18.00-20.00 Esibizione musicale- Piazza XI Settembre

Sabato 14 gennaio
09.00-13.00 Lavorazioni artistiche a cura dell’Istituto Mancini – Piazza XI Settembre
16.00-18.00 Laboratori creativi a cura della Città dei ragazzi – Piazza Kennedy
16.00-18.00 Lavorazioni artistiche a cura dell’Istituto Mancini – Piazza XI Settembre
16.30-18.30 Performance teatrale “I love shopping” – Isola pedonale

Domenica 15 gennaio

11.00-13.00 Nevis & Asia - la magia e la neve – Piazza XI Settembre
11.00-13.00 Classicamente corso Mazzini – Piazza Kennedy
18.00-20.00 Ragapelli Bros in concerto- Piazza XI Settembre
18.00-20.00 Esibizione tango (ballerini e musicisti) – Piazza Kennedy

Venerdi 20 gennaio
18.00-20.00 Unatantum live band in concerto - Piazza Kennedy

Sabato 21 gennaio
11.30 – 13.00 Breack dance con Dark Souls Crew – Piazza XI Settembre
18.00-20.00 Gruppo folcloristico itinerante Miromagnum- Isola pedonale

Domenica 22 gennaio
11.00-13.00 Nevis & Asia - la magia in piazza – Piazza Kennedy
11.00-13.00 Performance musicale – Piazza XI Settembre
18.30-19.30 Musica e moda – Piazza XI Settembre
18.00-20.00 Chitarre in concerto - Piazza Kennedy

Venerdi 27 gennaio

18.00-20.00 Sonià e la sua band - Piazza XI Settembre

Sabato 28 gennaio
11.00–13.00 Deejay story– Piazza Kennedy
16.00-18.00 Laboratori creativi a cura della Città dei ragazzi – Piazza Kennedy
18.00-19.00 Urban style – Isola pedonale
18.00-20.00 Na’im Concerto etnico-jazz - Piazza XI Settembre

Domenica 29 gennaio
11.00-13.00 Nevis & Asia - la magia e le bolle – Piazza Kennedy
11.00-13.00 Latino dance – Piazza XI Settembre
18.00-20.00 Mimmo Palermo e Giancarlo Pagano in concerto - Piazza Kennedy
18.00-20.00 Spettacolo con clown, trampoliere, caricature - Isola pedonale
vi aspettiamo numerosi